Sunday 28 February 2010


yes it had to happen at some point im going to rant about skateboard nazi-ism. Basically in coventry there are a group of skateboarders who only skate flat ground (not that that bothers me, whatever floats there boat), they however see certain tricks (no-complys,bonlesses and fastplants etc) as not real tricks and hate on anyone who cant do triple varial inward backside hardflip rewinds as good as they can and i quite frankly find it pathetic, especially one of them who incisists he can skate better than anyone else in coventry but actually cant even barely drop in, its not that there skating flat floor or thinking there the best that bothers me, its the attitude they have towards other skateboarders they should be all for 1, 1 for all everyones a bro kind of thing but instead they decide to be ignorant little twats and so for that reason and the fact one of them spat on my board once is why im ranting about them so fuck them hard in the arse with a sizeable spoonful of glass and maggots. Happy days :)

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